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Mostrando las entradas de 2014
SOLVING PROBLEMS, AS EASY AS IN MOVIES To many problems to solve, we use to hear there are four main steps: 1.  Define the problem 2. Brainstorming the ideas 3. Reviewing ideas 4. Selecting the solutions But when the problem is there, al theory is disappeared, you try to manage as well as you can. In movies for exmaple, due to short time to tell the story...sometimes you have to jump some stages. In The the end of the Story, Michael Corleone had defined the problem and for him the only solution is to vanish all his enemies, while he were attending his grandson baptism, his enemies just were killed. In other cases, the big problem would have a little but an effective solution...despite of the big group of specialist of the US goverment...that was happened in Independence Day....the solution is where you never imagine... But sometimes, the searching of the solution could be the argument for all the movie; have you ever seen C
THE SOCIAL NETWORK In the actual days, it is impossible to imagine a world tottally logged off  (at less you belong to the tribes that lived in the middle of the nature and never try to contact and seems the time stopped in their lives); we can say now that the world is more connected and also with more access to information. And the support of all these lays in 2 great tools: technology and internet. In the 80´s and beggining of 90´s , people only access information and contact people through the: old telephones       ............. the mail ................. and most of the time, to have telephone and send letters could be expensive and with limited access. But, at the end of the 90´s appeared such alternative ways to communicate faster and cheaper than the old ones, then appeared the Hotmail, Yahoo search (for me one the best explorer in the world until Google came). Whoever thinks in the 60´s and 70´s such wierd things like the shoephone would turn to

It´s not personal...just business

In the times that the acces to tv by cable seems to be far away from reality, mum, dad and me used to have dinner in the kitchen, while in the TV it was showing a movie...awarded by the academy in 1973...since that time, that movie and its sequel become one of my favourites movies in my life and that one i could watch it million of times... and its soundtrack is unique and many times used by other films and special shorts, Nino Rota was a genius. i suggest to click the video and let the music play, while you are reading the lines below... This movie tlaks about the Corleone´s family, since little Vito Andollini ran away from Corleone´s town to scape from his killers, he arrived to New York as another italian inmigrant who found the american dream and a new beggining... From The Godfather 2. Young Vito Andolini After many years, in order to survive and grow in the USA, Vito joined two old friends...Clemenza ans Tessio who help him to increase his fortune and also his


As part of my life, movies have become the entrance to a world with many faces, many stories and many knowledge, i remember that the 1st i have ever seen at the cinema, was the sleepy beauty. But in the 80´s cinemas are very few, quite expensive and very few piracy. We had only TV, some channels gave part of their space to show movies. This blog is a kind of review of those movies that i have ever seen and never forget them...